1. 业务逻辑中的异步日志
在应用的初期版本,所有日志可能都是通过 tracing
输出到外部文件的,这是非常正常的情况;等到开始进行可观测能力建设后,就需要引入一些日志中间件,比如将一些重要日志输出到 SLS 。这些逻辑往往会穿插在我们业务函数中,于是就引出一个基本的原则:日志无论如何不能阻塞业务本身。(对于日志之外的非业务逻辑,其实也是一样的)
async fn business() {
// ...
let log = generate_important_log();
tracing::info!("[biz] {log}");
// ...
这个版本没有任何问题。现在,我们需要接入某些高大上的日志中间件,这里为了简化,假设日志投递方式是一个 http 接口,那么最容易想到(也是最糟糕)的写法就是直接把 tracing
async fn business() {
// ...
let log = generate_important_log();
let response = reqwest::Client::new()
// ...
显而易见,我们的第二段业务逻辑 do_other_biz
那么,似乎简单地把日志逻辑 spawn
async fn business() {
// ...
let log = generate_important_log();
tokio::spawn(async {
let response = reqwest::Client::new()
// ...
这个改动表面上看起来能解决业务被阻塞的问题。但是实际上,这种写法也是不合理的:对于业务流量很大的场景,如果日志投递模块超时,则会出现大量的 tokio 异步任务累积,最终还是有可能打垮我们的服务。
对于类似的场景,最佳的解决方案是,一旦引入了这种服务,我们端侧的日志模块就必须改成基于有限长度队列的的生产者-消费者模式。现成的方案是基于 tokio::sync::mpsc::channel
进行开发,这个 channel 有着确定长度的消息缓冲区。与之对应的不限长度 channel 则是 tokio::sync::mpsc::unbounded_channel
2. 在业务系统中使用连接池时注意调整配置
reqwest 底层封装了 hyper,直接利用了 hyper 的连接池。在 reqwest::Client
The Client holds a connection pool internally, so it is advised that you create one and reuse it.
You do not have to wrap the Client in an [Rc] or Arc to reuse it, because it already uses an Arc internally.
可见,官方是推荐我们复用 client 的,这样可以充分利用其内建连接池特性的。在业务系统中调用上下游 api 时,通过长期持有一个 client,可以通过连接复用缓解对方压力,也能提高性能。
不过需要注意的是,需要确认服务方的 http keepalive 超时配置与一条 TCP 连接的请求复用次数限制。以 NGINX 举例,这两个配置分别是 keepalive_timeout
和 keepalive_request
3. 不要 select *
- 对于复杂的表,磁盘 IO 大,浪费带宽
- 可能无法充分利用索引。参考 之前的 mysql 笔记 的第 24 节
- 业务兼容不佳,未来新增字段以后,可能影响到 sql 结果解析。
4. 多个 insert 的部分用一行 sql 解决
虽然会涉及到一些比较恶心的 sql 字符串拼接,但是也有收益。这里直接参考 GPT:
Reduced Overhead
Each SQL statement incurs an overhead for parsing, planning, and network communication between the application and the database. By batching rows in a single INSERT, you reduce this overhead significantly by dealing with it only once. -
Fewer Network Round-Trips:
A single batched insert minimizes the number of network round-trips between your application and the database server. Network latency can be a non-trivial component of the total operation time, especially in distributed environments. -
Efficient Use of Transactions:
If you're using multiple separate INSERT statements, and each statement is executed in its own transaction, the overhead of starting and committing multiple transactions can be significant. A single INSERT for multiple rows can be executed within a single transaction, reducing the transaction management overhead. -
Bulk Insert Optimizations:
Databases like MySQL can perform internal optimizations when handling a batch of inserts, such as minimizing index updates or reducing write operations until all data is inserted. This can lead to further performance benefits. -
Locking and Concurrency:
Fewer transactions mean reduced locking and thus better concurrency and reduced potential for contention, especially in tables that are frequently written to.
5. 多思考自恢复问题